
STONEHENGE is an ensemble of Matlab and C++ codes for nonlinear dynamic analysis of vibration energy harvesting systems.

View the Project on GitHub americocunhajr/STONEHENGE

Suite for Nonlinear Analysis of Energy Harvesting Systems

STONEHENGE - Suite for Nonlinear Analysis of Energy Harvesting Systems is an ensemble of easy-to-run Matlab and C++ codes for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of vibration energy harvesting systems. It encompasses several tools to simulate, optimize, control, and visualize their dynamics, providing a broad and robust framework for numerical experimentation.

Table of Contents


STONEHENGE was developed to conduct nonlinear analysis on bistable piezoelectric-magneto-elastic energy harvesters. The code functionalities are reported in the following publication:



To get started with STONEHENGE, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the package directory:

STONEHENGE can be used to simulate, optimize, control, and visualize the dynamics of bistable piezoelectric-magneto-elastic energy harvesters. Detailed usage instructions and examples are provided within the code comments and the provided documentation.


The routines in STONEHENGE are well-commented to explain their functionality. Each routine includes a description of its purpose, as well as inputs and outputs. Detailed documentation can be found within the code comments. An user-manual is available showing the package functionalities.


Simulations done with STONEHENGE are fully reproducible. You can find a fully reproducible capsule of the simulations on CodeOcean.



If you use STONEHENGE in your research, please cite the following publication:

   author       = {J. P. Norenberg and J. V. L. L. Peterson and V. G. Lopes and R. Luo and L. de la Roca and M. Pereira and J. G. {Telles Ribeiro} and A. Cunha Jr},
   title        = { {STONEHENGE} - {S}uite for {N}onlinear {A}nalysis of {E}nergy {H}arvesting {S}ystems},
   year         = {2021},
   journal      = {Software Impacts},
   volume.      = {10},
   pages        = {100161},
   doi          = {10.1016/j.simpa.2021.100161},
   url          = {},


STONEHENGE is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. All new contributions must be made under the MIT license.

Institutional support





For any questions or further information, please contact the authors at:

References using STONEHENGE

The following references used STONEHENGE to obtain their results. If you want to see your publication listed here, please contact us.